Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller

Short Bio
Burkhard leads the Communication Systems Group CSG of the Department of Informatics IfI at the University of Zürich UZH since 2004. His main research interests are published in over 300 research papers and include charging and accounting of Internet services, systems with a fully decentralized control (blockchains, clouds), network and service management, economic management, telecommunication economics, and IoT (security and supply chains). Burkhard received the Diplom-Informatiker (M.Sc.) degree in computer science and the Dr. rer.-nat. (PhD) degree from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Before chairing the CSG he held previous research positions with the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and the University of Federal Armed Forces, Munich, Germany.
UZH in terms of the CSG of the IfI is involved in CONCORDIA in WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6. While UZH leads actively T4.3 on “Economic Perspectives”, it participates in T1.1 (Device-centric Security), T1.2 (Network-centric Security), T1.5 (User-centric Security), T3.2 (DDoS Clearing House), T3.4 (Establishing an European Education Ecosystem for Cybersecurity), T5.2 (Dissemination and Communication Activities), and T6.1 (Governance).