Daniel Tovarňák

Short Bio
Daniel is a researcher at CSIRT-MU — a cyber security team of Masaryk University, Brno — where he deals with architectures of complex cyber security systems. At the present time he serves as a technical lead and architect of KYPO Cyber Range Platform. Research-wise, Daniel focuses on applications of event-driven architectures and data science methods in cyber security. He specializes in acquisition, processing, and stream-based analysis of cyber security data, with special focus on log data.
In CONCORDIA, Daniel is a part of task T3.3 dealing with Virtual Labs, Services, and Trainings, where he primarily focuses on Cyber Ranges. He invests most of his energy into leading the KYPO CRP development team with the goal of open sourcing it for others to use. Also, he participates in various CONCORDIA and cross-pilot activities in the area of cyber ranges in order to foster collaboration and pool cyber security expertise.