
What is it and what is it intended for?

Gorille is an innovative malware detection tool developed by the start-up Cyber-Detect in collaboration with the University of Lorraine. Gorille can identify the most sophisticated attacks that bypass traditional defence systems based on morphological analysis. It also allows precise identification of malware families and can address significant attack analysis and remediation tools.

Why is it important?

Gorille can provide complete and instantaneous characterization to inform analysts about the attack. It guarantees relevant and fast analysis. Gorille helps to reduce risks and minimize exposure to future claims.

Where can we find more information about this?

  1. Cyber-Detect website: cyber-detect.com
  2. Check out our blog post for more information about the collaboration: https://www.concordia-h2020.eu/blog-post/malware-analysis-a-successful-cooperation-between-cyber-detect-and-lorraine-university/.
  3. You can also read more about why to adopt Gorille in your EDR: https://www.concordia-h2020.eu/blog-post/cybersecurity-why-adopting-gorille-in-your-edr/.
  4. Or listen to our video: https://youtu.be/IHJ32mbm3s4.