1st Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace Domain (SRCNAS 2021)

1st Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace Domain (SRCNAS 2021)

CONCORDIA is supporting and sponsoring the 1st Workshop on Secure and Reliable Communication and Navigation in the Aerospace Domain that will take place at Vienna, Austria on September 7-11 2021.

The digital revolution is here, transforming the way we live as it finds its way into a wide variety of domains including transportation, smart home, eHealth and knowledge transfer, but it also affects the way the airspace operates. New data-hungry applications, and increasing degrees of automation beg the question whether the available resources, like bandwidth, data formats, and radio standards are still adequate. This is particularly questionable in aviation, where data is produced, evaluated and distributed with ever decreasing latency, and these data is usually very sensitive, sometimes even safety-critical, but the underlying technical systems are often a half-century old. For these data, protection from unauthorized access, misuse, and manipulation is absolutely essential. Various statistics show that the communication backbone in aviation has proved a coveted target for cyber-attacks, particularly as the security infrastructure is largely outdated and data poorly secured, especially during exchange or update processes. Manifold investigations showed that also signalling used for navigation purposes became a target of attackers by tampering the signlas (e.g., using radio interference or spoofing of navigation receivers), as it depends on satellite navigation, particularly GPS, as a low-cost, widely available source of reliable positioning. These examples call for a variety of solutions and technologies increasing safety & sustainability of the involved industry.

More here.